Rave reviews from executives and event planners

"We have never had a keynoter who customizes as much as you did."Association Executive
"Paul, your popular presentation, 'Outer Calm through Inner Conflict Resolution,' earned a nearly perfect score on our evaluations."Director, ASAE Management Conference
"'Managing the Survival Mentality' proved to be a highlight of our meeting. It was obvious that our members enjoyed your presentation on Thrival, plus, they will be able to utilize the skills you taught them in their everyday personal and professional lives."Chairman, Greater Washington Board of Trade
"Good crowd engagements, good intro, good job distilling points."
"A full day would have been nice."
"Paul, your session, 'Managing Internal Relations,' was a dramatic success at our retreat! Your ability to read the group was clearly one of the strengths of the session. This contributed to a strong sense of renewal and bonding at the retreat, which was one of our central objectives."Scott A. Mason, DPA, Managing Partner National Health Advisors, Ltd.
"Confident. Clear and articulate. Love the “bouillon cube” analogy."
"He was fired up!"
"If you are going to customize this much, you will have to charge more."Association Executive
"This was a paradigm-changing presentation!"Director, Lockheed Executive Management Institute
"Genuine, sense of humor, confident."
"I appreciated the outstanding facilitation of Dr. Paul Radde. It became evident early on that he was not a run-of-the-mill facilitator. He cared: not only to do a good job for his own personal satisfaction, but that he cared deeply for each one of us. Dr. Radde showed the class that it was fun to learn how to be more effective in communicating using our feelings."Donald Aronson, FDA European Desk Officer International Affairs Staff
"Dr. Radde, your session received the highest ratings."Director of Membership, Nurses Association of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology
"Your presentation, 'Developing Human Capital,' was very well received. In addition to the content, your use of art, cartoons, and props added much to your presentation."Executive Director American Nurses Association
"Thank you for participating in our annual Governmental Affairs Seminar. The exceptional response to your presentation reflects your genuine professionalism and depth of knowledge on the subject. Your participation contributed to one of the best seminars we've had to date!"Director of Governmental Affairs National Rehabilitation Association
"Thanks to Paul, my individual senior managers have become a senior management team. Paul has been a major influence in helping me through very difficult situations. I am a more effective manger and leader as a result of Paul’s coaching"Vice President, Quality Assurance American Red Cross
"While I recognize that your emphasis is getting people grounded, you emit enough lightning to knock someone over! Indeed, during your session I felt that I was thriving."Manager, Program Development Lions Clubs International
"Dr. Paul Radde is extremely sophisticated and knowledgeable."
"Teaches you how to continue to Thrive."
"I liked the clarity of his presentation."
"He presented change in a down-to-earth manner."
"Loved how he started with a story. Obviously a pro!"
"This was the very best session I have attended in all my time in SGMP."Seasoned government meeting professional
"Loved the opening story. Such a sweetness and vulnerability. So intrigued and inspired."
"Shows lots of experience - Smooth - Very strong speaker - Great smile."
"Your presentation was highest rated."Educational Director, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Leadership Retreat
"Wonderful presence. Clear voice and pace."
"Thank you for your excellent presentation at our convention. I'm sure you could tell from the packed meeting room, and from the audience's enthusiastic reaction, that your presentation was a winner. In addition to being one of the highest rated sessions, throughout the remainder of the convention people told me how much they enjoyed your presentation."Executive Vice President Petroleum Marketers Association of America
"Paul, your 'How to Influence Decision-Makers' program was excellent. You did an exceptional job. The information you presented helped participants step through the process to develop a plan when trying to influence others."Coordinator, State Government Training The University of Georgia, Carl Vinson Institute of Government
"Insightful, firm but gentle, instructive."